søndag 1. februar 2009

Inspector Closeau

of the Norwegian police.
We haff waiz of making you talk! Yes?

5 kommentarer:

tone almhjell sa...

Oh my god. That's prune purée, isn't it.

Aurora sa...

NO! It is a mustache! I think it is pru(de)nt to say so at least...

Heidi sa...

See, as an American, my first thought was barbecue sauce. Not that Kjeld wouldn't find some way to pun about barbecue and mustaches.

Aurora sa...

yes, I could! When shaving, go and line up in the barbe(r)que hehe

Heidi sa...

My god. He's done it. He's gone where no punner has gone before! I stand before you in awe, sir.